
The greatest point of hope for Christians all over the world is in the coming of Christ. Before Jesus left the earth, he left his followers with a promise of his return. But there are so many questions that people have.

What are the signs of his coming? will the church see the antichrist? What happens to those people who are left behind? where will people go after rapture? And How will God judge the world?

This booklet is a summarised outline of the end times. If you desire a more detailed analysis of the topics presented here, you can request the full comprehensive book, ‘The Coming of Christ by Charles P. Mawungwa.’

Continue reading “The END TIMES”



The issue of the mark of the beast has been a mystery within the church for two thousand years. As with all great prophetic mysteries of the Bible, they can only be fully understood when they are fulfilled.

This means, at this point we can only have a shadow of understanding of what it is and the picture will only be fully revealed when the antiChrist begins his reign of terror.

However, for now we shall explore what the scriptures have revealed so we can be prepared.

Continue reading “THE MARK OF THE BEAST”

7 Revelations of The 7 Spirits of God

(PART 1: The Seven Virtues)


In May 2019, The Lord gave me a teaching on what he called, ‘The Seven Mysteries of the Bible.’ Within that teaching I mention the mystery of the seven stars and the seven lampstands, as one of the seven mysteries of the bible.  I greatly encourage the reader to look into that teaching first before continuing with this one.

Continue reading “7 Revelations of The 7 Spirits of God”

THREE GREAT TRIBULATIONS – Part 3 (The Three great Tribulations)


This is a continuation of a series. If you have not read part 1 and 2 I encourage you to go through those first.

One of the biggest questions in eschatology is whether rapture will take place before tribulation, during the tribulation or after the tribulation. All answers are correct in part and all answers are wrong in part. There are actually three great tribulations. The Great Tribulation of Israel, also known as The Time of Jacob’s Trouble, The Great Tribulation of the Church and The Great Tribulation of the Unbelievers. Lets take a look at these three tribulations.

Jesus says that after the abomination is set up, there will come upon Israel, a tribulation such as never been. Lets read: Continue reading “THREE GREAT TRIBULATIONS – Part 3 (The Three great Tribulations)”

THREE GREAT TRIBULATIONS-Part 2 (The Abomination of Desolation)


We are continuing on our series on Mathew 24 and Luke 21. if you have not read part 1, please go back and start there.

Continue reading “THREE GREAT TRIBULATIONS-Part 2 (The Abomination of Desolation)”

THREE GREAT TRIBULATIONS – Part1 (Mathew 24 and Luke 21)


Mathew 24 and Luke 21 tell a story of How Jesus stood at the Jewish temple and announced how that temple was going to be utterly destroyed. After that he then gives the order of events leading to his coming and to the end of the world. This line of events is very instrumental in understanding the order of all end time prophecies from Daniel to Revelation. As we follow Mathew 24 and Look 21, we shall also look into The abomination that makes desolate and the three great tribulations. Yes, there’s not one but three tribulations. Understanding this makes the question of pre-trib, mid-trib and post-trib irrelevant.

At first glance Luke 21 and Mathew 24 look like one sermon told from different angles. But those are two separate sermons addressed to two different audiences to answer two different sets of questions.

Both accounts start by recording that Jesus was at the temple and made a comment concerning the destruction of the temple. From this point on Mathew and Luke go different ways.

Continue reading “THREE GREAT TRIBULATIONS – Part1 (Mathew 24 and Luke 21)”

SEVEN SEALS PART 3 (Unveiling the Seals)

In part one we looked at why the seven seals and why Jesus was the only one worthy to open. We also looked at what a seal actually is and how by breaking the seals, Jesus was bringing to light, revelations of the spirit that were once hidden from understanding.

In part two we looked at how the four living creatures are connected to the four horses which are described in Zechariah as the four winds. We then looked at how these connect to the seven spirits of God and to the fourfold ministries of the Spirit in the church. We finished part 2 by looking at how Mathew 24 gives an outline of the seven seals.

With all this information we are now ready to breakdown the seal. Continue reading “SEVEN SEALS PART 3 (Unveiling the Seals)”

SEVEN SEALS – Part 2 (the four winds)


Before going through this presentation please make sure you have read Revelation 6 and Part one of this series.

A lot of people rush to try and interpret the seven seals without first grasping the meaning of all the imagery that John is seeing. What are the horses? What is their link to the living creatures and why do they come out when the first four seals are broken? This Part 2 of the seven seals series, will equip you with the tools necessary, such that by the time we get to part 3, where we shall interpret the seven seals, it will all be obvious and simple.

In part one we looked at what the seals are, how Jesus opened them and why they are seven seals. Now we want to interpret the Seven Seals.

If you look at my teaching on the Seven Beasts of the Bible you will notice that they are broken into two, the first four beasts seen by Daniel and the last three beasts seen by John. The Seven Seals are also broken into two sections. The first four seals with the four horsemen revealed by the four living creatures and the last 3 seals. Continue reading “SEVEN SEALS – Part 2 (the four winds)”

SEVEN SEALS- PART1 (what are they)

Before we get into interpretation of the seven visions seen at the opening of the seven seals, we must first understand what the seals actually are, and what the sealed book is about.

This is what this presentation aims to do. To provide a sort of foundation that make the seals better understandable. Continue reading “SEVEN SEALS- PART1 (what are they)”



This teaching serves to give a brief breakdown of the seven beasts which are revealed in the scriptures. Four of the Beasts were seen by Daniel and revealed in the Old Testament. The other three were seen by John and are revealed in the New Testament.

Here is a list of the Beasts

  1. The beast Like a lion
  2. The beast like a Bear
  3. The Beast like a Leopard with four heads
  4. The Beast with 10 horns.
  5. The Beast from the Sea
  6. The Beast from the Earth
  7. The Beast from the Abyss