Animal Manifestations of the Devil in Dreams.

In dreams we often see the devil, in the form of different animals.

Snakes, Lions, Elephants Crocodiles, Dogs, Bees, Monkeys, Rhinos, Bulls, Wolves, Hyenas, Hippos, etc.

The different forms that we see him are meant to tell us, the way he is accessing our life, how he is attacking us, and how to defeat him.

We shall look at a few of these animals in detail, what they mean, how they attack and how to defeat them.

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In one part of scripture the Lord Jesus tells us not to judge each other, in fact, the apostle Paul even says, “who are you to judge another man’s servant.” Yet the same Jesus tells us to beware of false prophets, and the same apostle Paul tells us that there are certain Christians that we need to stop associating with, and certain preachers we must reject. The apostle John even tells us not to greet certain prophets or welcome them into our churches. If we are not to judge others, or to judge the servants of God, what then gives us the right to cast out certain brethren and to stop greeting certain prophets and apostles? There is need to rightly divide the word of God.

Here are three Key principles for judging and testing prophets.


5 Types of Visions

  (By Charles P. Mawungwa)  


In Joel Chapter 2, God promises to pour out his spirit upon all flesh and the sign will be that people will begin to prophesy, to see visions and to dream dreams. A lot of people have a desire to see visions, yet they just haven’t had success even after much prayer.

The truth is, every believer already sees visions in one form or the other, but the challenge is that our understanding of what a vision is, and how it operates is not aligned to what the bible actually refers to as seeing a vision.

When I went into the original Hebrew language, I was surprised to discover that there are actually several Hebrew words which are translated as vision, and as you look at how and where in the bible they are used, you will see a revelation of 5 different kinds of visions.

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The Seven Mountains of The Lamb


The devil’s kingdom is designed to copy and challenge the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Within the book of revelation, we can never fully understand the symbolism of the dragon, beast and harlot until we understand the revelation of the father, the son and the church.

In Revelation 17, we are told that the woman Great Babylon sits upon a seven headed beast and the seven heads represent seven mountains which are also seven kings. 

In order to fully understand the Seven Mountains of the Beast, we need to first look at the seven mountains of the Lamb.

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The greatest point of hope for Christians all over the world is in the coming of Christ. Before Jesus left the earth, he left his followers with a promise of his return. But there are so many questions that people have.

What are the signs of his coming? will the church see the antichrist? What happens to those people who are left behind? where will people go after rapture? And How will God judge the world?

This booklet is a summarised outline of the end times. If you desire a more detailed analysis of the topics presented here, you can request the full comprehensive book, ‘The Coming of Christ by Charles P. Mawungwa.’

Continue reading “The END TIMES”

Two Ways to Interpret Dreams and Visions


In this teaching I would like to share on two ways that symbolic dreams and visions can be interpreted. For this I will look at two prophets, Daniel and Zechariah, both of which had symbolic visions but functioned in two different ways.

The two ways I will look at are Interpretation by understanding and Interpretation by prophecy. Both ways work through the grace of the Holy Spirit, each with its on strengths and weaknesses.

I will start be looking at the two styles separately  then we will compare the benefits of each, then we will look at examples of how to interpret by understanding and lastly, we will answer the question of why God speaks in symbols.

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The issue of the mark of the beast has been a mystery within the church for two thousand years. As with all great prophetic mysteries of the Bible, they can only be fully understood when they are fulfilled.

This means, at this point we can only have a shadow of understanding of what it is and the picture will only be fully revealed when the antiChrist begins his reign of terror.

However, for now we shall explore what the scriptures have revealed so we can be prepared.

Continue reading “THE MARK OF THE BEAST”



As we read throughout the Old Testament, there is a rather mysterious figure who appears first in the life of Abraham and continues to lead him and his descendants within their Messianic destiny. This figure is known as The Angel of the LORD and he speaks as God himself. As a result people have come to the conclusion that he is either Jesus, The Holy Spirit or part of the God head. But careful study of the scriptures and with the revelation of the apostles, we find that the angel of The LORD is not Jesus or part of the Godhead. The angel of the LORD is just an angel. In fact they are many angels. This teaching was prepared to teach on why the angel of the Lord is not Jesus, and explain how he speaks as God himself. Let’s talk scriptures.

Continue reading “THE ANGEL OF THE LORD”