The Sheep, The Wolves and The Goats

There is a class of believers that Jesus calls, ‘The Sheep.’ The bible reveals that in the church we have sheep, goats and wolves. In this presentation I will delve deeper into the ‘Sheep’ class of believers. We shall look at:

1. The characteristic and benefits of the Sheep.
2. How to become a sheep.
3. Sheep from goats.

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The Gifts of Faith, Power and Healing

When we speak of spiritual gifts, usually people think of tongues, prophecy and words of knowledge. But I feel that the gifts of faith, power and healing tend to get confused and many who have them aren’t even sure about the gift they operate in. This confusion has left many ministers of the gospel wondering why they can’t do certain things the way others are doing it. Usually, people will just say, “you don’t have enough faith”

In this presentation I will go deeper into these three gifts, looking at how each operates, how you can identify your area of strength within the three, and how you can grow your gift.

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What Is Spiritual Fatherhood

The term Spiritual Father is a modern term that is not found in the bible manuscripts. This means that it can only be defined outside the bible and the definition will vary from person to person creating much confusion.

So as a result I will not focus on the term Spiritual Father but rather on just Fatherhood, addressing the question of fathers and sons in the church of Christ. Whatever conclusions we get from that will after apply to those who use the term Spiritual Father. Continue reading “What Is Spiritual Fatherhood”