How to identify Satan’s Doctrine

A lot of people have a big problem trying to tell the difference between teachings of God versus teachings of Satan.

Jesus gives one very clear way to identify Satan’s teaching.

Matthew 16:23 (NET)
But he turned and said to Peter,, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me, because you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but on man’s.” Continue reading “How to identify Satan’s Doctrine”

What Is Spiritual Fatherhood

The term Spiritual Father is a modern term that is not found in the bible manuscripts. This means that it can only be defined outside the bible and the definition will vary from person to person creating much confusion.

So as a result I will not focus on the term Spiritual Father but rather on just Fatherhood, addressing the question of fathers and sons in the church of Christ. Whatever conclusions we get from that will after apply to those who use the term Spiritual Father. Continue reading “What Is Spiritual Fatherhood”